Goal Setting from The Heart
As we look towards the new year, it’s customary to set goals, post our vision boards and make new year resolutions. A key component to our success in moving forward with our plans is to have a clear and strong intention behind them.
Try the steps below to make a positive difference this year in creating a year filled with the desires of your heart!
Sit in quiet meditation, open your heart and listen to your inner voice for understanding and clarity on your true intentions for the coming year. From this space, consider the following:
1. Before you can move forward consider where you’ve been. Take stock of the previous year. What were last year’s goals and how many were accomplished? What were your wins? What were your challenges? Use this information and create a list of ‘lessons learned’ to draw from as you determine how to move forward.
2. Examine your beliefs. Some beliefs are so ingrained in us, they become the veil through which we see and experience everything... including ourselves. In these cases, it’s not simply choosing another belief that is more affirming; it’s seeing with new eyes. How do we not only lift the veil, but eliminate it completely so we can we start seeing ourselves in the best possible light?
Taking a deeper dive will help you to start removing the veil of your limiting beliefs. For each of them:
a) Ask yourself when the first time was that you remember feeling this way. This often leads to the source of the belief/emotion.
b) Sit with the belief to get a better sense of it in its entirety. What is the belief exactly? Where is it rooted? Is there a body sensation when you think about it? If so, check out our article on Chakras.
c) Look in the mirror and practice seeing yourself with love and acceptance. Affirm who you are out loud. ‘I am’ phrases are powerful.
d) Use these ‘I am’ phrases as affirmations to counter the limiting belief each time it resurfaces. Look in the mirror and repeat daily. Put them up around your house as a reminder.
e) Start gathering evidence that your new belief is true. Find inspiration in people who have overcome similar challenges as yours.
f) Choose actions that support your more affirming beliefs/affirmations. Write them out and start incorporating them into your daily life. Go slowly to avoid discouragement.
3. After a few days of affirmations, sit quietly, close your eyes and envision the life you want to create. Imagine as many of the details as possible. What does your dream house look like? Where is it? How is it furnished? Who’s there with you? What type of relationships do you have? What does your typical day look like? How do you feel? Sit with it until the vision is crystal clear then write it down, draw it or create a vision board.
4. Write out the goals that are in alignment with your vision. Cover all areas of your life – health, finance, love, family/friends, community, Spirit, career, recreation, personal development and home.
5. Now meditate on the person you need to be to make your vision a reality. What habits do you need to release or pick up? What people do you need to associate with more or less? What daily rituals will you need to support your pursuit? These may be translated into additional goals and/or affirmations.
6. Continuing in meditation, determine what your actions will be for each of your goals.
7. Throughout the coming year review your goals and affirmations. Post them in different areas of the house so they remain in the forefront of your mind and conscious.
Monet Cole