In general I am a pretty upbeat, silver lining person and while I feel responsible for honoring that space and holding it for those of us who can’t in this moment, I feel deep sadness for the great suffering we’re experiencing. Holding the two emotions causes for an emotional roller coaster each day and God forgive me for the judgment I pass onto those who greet me and say they’re doing wonderful. It hurts my heart when I hear that. Don’t they see and feel for those who have lost loved ones, jobs, homes? How can we smile when the world has turned upside down?
So I breathe and release judgment, extending compassion for all - those who still see beauty and those who don’t. I’m clear again. My work is to help my neighbor in any way I can; to embrace each day with faith in the unseen, hope for healing and reuniting with loved ones, wisdom in knowing that we will emerge from this with a deeper connection to God and our human family around the world; and to smile again.
It’s the light in each of us that will lead us out of the darkness. Namaste
Monet Cole