Lifting Yourself to Meet Spirit
I’m particularly challenged during these COVID 19 days to keep myself lifted and positive!! I’ve had to dig a bit deeper to find things that TRULY bring me joy as I tackle the isolation and heightened concern for my health.
Here are several things that have worked for me:
1. ‘Real Deal Holyfield’ Affirmations. Not the ones that fall flat as soon as they escape your mouth, but the ones that lighten and lift your vibration. I have found that if I don’t believe the affirmation, the misalignment creates resistance and I am left feeling worse than before. Stick with these rules and you may have better luck:
a. Create an affirmation that is true-ish. You’re on your way to the statement being true in your life, but it’s a work in progress. For example – ‘I am finding new joy as I explore and fill my life with new experiences.’
b. Select an affirmation that you believe is a universal truth. For example, ‘There is more good in life than we imagine.’
c. Design an affirmation that is generally true for your mindset. For example, ‘I am open to experiencing more good in my life than I have ever imagined!’
d. Select an affirmation that excites you so much it doesn’t matter if it rings true!! You’re so motivated by it that you grab on and enjoy the ride! This is one of my favorites – ‘I do work that feeds my soul and allows me to live at the beach!!’
2. Music – The language of music transcends culture, age, economics, politics and the edges my worst mood. My eclectic taste in music may dictate the reggae of my roots as easily as 70’s pop music from my childhood. It all works to make me smile, chair dance and eventually get up and shake my booty, dancing like no one’s watching!
3. Laughter – We all have that friend that we can consistently count on to make us laugh until our belly aches. I am fortunate enough to have more than a handful of people that do that for me. From my witty daughters to my besties from childhood to my boyfriend. How tremendously blessed I am to have so many opportunities to share a laugh with someone I care for. THIS is truly medicine for my soul.
4. Deep, settle into the couch with a tall glass of wine, sister-friend conversations. Ok, so this one is sometimes a ‘miss’ on lifting my Spirit, but it ALWAYS ends up in some new realization on how I can improve my circumstances and attitude about life. At the very least I walk away from these more connected to my friend and to the best part of myself… so in my book that’s a WIN!!
I hope this sparks a light and inspires you to find your happy place in the midst of challenge.
Monet Cole