These 10 Steps to Healing came to me in prayer the other day… I hope it can help someone in need.
Go to God - Ask for guidance and assurance; His/Her Grace is upon you and readily available;
Remember who you are and whose you are - You are a perfect child of God and as so, you are deserving of all the gifts and treasures of His/Her Kingdom;
Be kind and show compassion to others - Treat others as you want to be treated. Mirror behavior that is decent and grounded in love and it will have no choice but to return to you;
Reach out and help someone else - In offering your gifts and helping your brothers and sisters, you are helping yourself;
Show gratitude - Be grateful and remember all the ways Grace has been delivered to you and all that you have been delivered from;
Remember your Ancestors - Bring them into your prayer life. Invite them to help you and open pathways on your behalf;
Be ready for the healing - Prepare yourself for healing; act ‘as if’ it has already occurred. Clear your mind to focus on supportive, loving and positive thoughts. Work through any negativity that comes up;
Remind others of the Goodness of God - Be a light and way shower for the Love God has for all. If you falter, begin anew and focus forward.
Open up and allow your Spirit to be moved and your body to receive the blessing from God for healing. Meditate and listen for guidance on foods to eat for nourishment, exercises for strength, and other instruction;
Reach deep inside for the strength and courage needed to do the work after healing. We are delivered for a reason. Be ready and open to hear from God on your assignment.
I pray you stay well and blessed in every way imaginable!
Monet Cole